It’s been a while since I’ve blogged or done much of anything on this site. I’ve been on a long sabbatical from writing, and a couple of days ago a posted a blog in which I listed all my excuses for the year long break, so I won’t repeat myself here. But right now I want to tell you about an exciting promotion coming later this week for Aliens, Spaceships and the Occasional Latte.
Marketing and promotions has never been my forte, and most of my writer friends I talk to don’t like it any more than I do, but it’s something that has to be done.
Actually, just to follow a rabbit trail for a bit, I do have one writer friend who absolutely loves promoting and marketing. He wrote one book, then spent 4 years marketing it. He went on books tours and even landed a TV spot. He always carried a copy with him and he would tell everyone we met, even the waitress serving our lunch when we met at a restaurant. It got a bit embarrassing, actually.
About the same time he finished his book, I finished mine. But I stuck mine in a drawer (okay, a virtual drawer), and then immediately started writing another, never giving marketing a thought. And then I wrote another. I’ve finished 7 novels and my friend still hasn’t written his second. But then he’s made more money at it then I have.
Well, enough of that rabbit trail. I just wanted to let you know I’ve engaged the services of a nice marketing outfit going by the name of Bargain Booksy. Maybe you’ve heard of them. They email a newsletter to a big list of subscribers every day in which they feature novels. When subscribers sign-up they pick the genre’s they want to see, so the newsletter they get will only have books they might be interested in. Booksends is another group of nice people who do the same thing, and I’ve engaged their services as well.
I’ve dropped the price of Aliens, Spaceships and the Occasional Latte and Sand Angel to 99 cents. Aliens and Latte will be featured in Booksends April 7 and Bargain Booksy April 8. Sand Angel will be featured in Booksends April 8.
Both newsletters feature a picture of the cover, a small blurb about the book and links to Amazon where you can buy them.
Sign up for Bargain Booksy and Booksends, or go right to Amazon and buy the book. They really are extremely well written and clever, and for 99 cents you can’t go wrong.