Coffee & alien humour

I like making humour memes for fun. At least, I try to be humorous, but that’s for you to decide. Here is a selection of some graphics I’ve made up over the last couple of years or so, usually when I’m up early in the morning with my first coffee and don’t feel like doing any serious work yet.

The first is one of my favorites. I found the image on Depositphotos and thought it beautifully captures what my ‘aliens and coffee’ novels are all about, so I bought it and used an image editor to add my own words to it.

Not much can happen in the morning until after I’ve had a cup or two. I made this when I found the image of the screaming woman, and thought, “Yup, that’s what it would feel like if I was forced to go a day without my favorite beverage.”

The earth is worth saving for many reasons, but, let’s face it, it’s the only planet we know of with coffee, and that makes it pretty special.

I got the idea for this next meme while browsing a general store in a small town in northern Ontario. I think it succinctly captures why I’m highly suspicious of so-called alien visitor stories. It seems we only hear such stories from people who are nutcases. Why don’t the aliens ever visit high-ranking political and social leaders and real scientists? NASA astronauts even? Serious people with real credibility that if they were to say, ‘Hey, an alien just visited me and gave me a plan for world peace’, we’d be inclined to listen. Instead, aliens seem to only be interested in sharing their solutions for our world problems with unbalanced fruitcakes no one could possibly take seriously. Not very smart of the aliens. If these stories really are true, than it can only mean the aliens are really pretty stupid.

Yup – when you get up in the morning and find there’s no coffee…

This next one is not very original. I’ve seen the meme on signs in a few different shops. But I like it and made my own sign.

Coffee is my superpower…

Thanks for visiting! Drop me a line and let me know what you think.

Have a marvelous day and don’t forget to smile!

First published July 9, 2020

Updated March 17, 2022

Updated October 24, 2023

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